Gizmo’s Best Editor Manual

Gizmo’s Best Overview

Website URL

Our new website is located at our traditional URL:

Front Page

Our new front page has a new structure that is best explained with the following images (click to enlarge).


The Header shows three sections:

  • Top: Date, Marquee of latest posts title, social icons on the right
  • Middle: Site Logo, Advertisement
  • Bottom: Menu

Slider Area

The Slider Area (on the left of the above image) displays the first five posts of the category “BEST”. The bigger image on the left is a slider and circles through the so-called “featured images” of each post in that category. A click on a sliding image opens the post.

On the right, four more recent articles are shown as a static featured image. The order of the posts can be configured.


Let’s have a closer look at the Content section:


Shows a different widget of the first five posts of a category (here: Android). The first is emphasized with a bigger image and the excerpt text of it. The other four are listed with a smaller featured image and title on the right.

Middle Left

Shows yet another widget of the first four posts of a category (here: Windows). The first is emphasized with a bigger image and the excerpt text of it. The other four are listed with a smaller featured image and title below it.

Middle Right

Same as “Middle Left” except displaying a different category, here it is “iOS”.

Google Ad

A Google Ad with standard size 728*90 pixels.


Same as “Top” except displaying a different category, here it is “Linux”. (Note, I only created four Linux posts, otherwise the fifth would be shown as well.)


The Footer shows two sections

  • Top: Four columns showing custom content
  • Bottom: Copyright on the left, Social icons on the right


Name Description

  • The Best … Apps
Our editor’s best lists

  • Editor’s best list of each platform category

  • Reader’s Best … Apps
Our reader’s best lists

  • Reader’s best list of each platform category
ANDROID Opens a “page” showing all our posts of category “Android”
IOS Opens a “page” showing all our posts of category “iOS”
LINUX Opens a “page” showing all our posts of category “Linux”
MACOS Opens a “page” showing all our posts of category “MacOS”
WEB Opens a “page” showing all our posts of category “Web”
WINDOWS Opens a “page” showing all our posts of category “Windows”
FORUM Link to our forum
ABOUT About, disclaimer, contact, etc. in several sub-pages

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