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Google Arts & Culture and UNESCO Offer Virtual Tours of World Heritage Sites

Google Arts & Culture and UNESCO Offer Virtual Tours of World Heritage Sites

Google Arts & Culture has added several UNESCO World Heritage sites to its library of virtual tours of world heritage sites.

The Explore World Heritage site at Google Arts & Culture has virtual tours of UNESCO World Heritage sites. There’s a wealth of information and ways to explore, and virtual tours have a good balance of images and information.

The World Heritage sites include the Pyramids of Giza, the Colosseum in Rome, the Taj Mahal, the Mada’in Salih in Saudi Arabia, the Maya city of Chichén Itzá, Easter Island, Serengeti National Park, Historic City of Ayutthaya, the Chauvet Cave in Southern France, and Yosemite National Park. Virtual tours let you explore Heritage Site cities, holy sites, nature, and history.

Boris Diedrich

Boris is a dedicated writer for our technical editorial team who specializes in putting complex topics into simple words. His goal is to provide his readers with high-quality and informative content. His articles are easy to understand and can be understood by professionals and laymen alike. He is a master at entertaining and informing his readers.

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