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Everything you need to know about web browsing safety

web browsing safety

Everything you need to know about web browsing safety

The internet is more important than ever, as most people rely on it day by day. Everyone browses the web on a daily basis. Honestly, it’s done so effortlessly and automatically that it is easy to forget what kind of dangers are present on websites around the internet. This is why you should care about web browsing safety. If you want to know more about this topic, this article is for you.

Avoid websites without HTTPS

Have you ever asked yourself what HTTPS is? It ensures web browsing safety! The data you have typed into the website is being encrypted, making it harder to read the data for someone from the outside. You can find the HTTPS sign at the start of the link bar. If there is a lock, you can safely browse the website. An exclamation mark or an info sign mean you should avoid the website(s). In case you still decide to visit the website, be aware not to share any of your data.

Don’t download every file or application you find

As tempting as it is – downloading things from every website is very dangerous. Viruses and malware can infect your entire computer, and you don’t want to have to deal with that for sure. Yes, it’s hard to find the right websites sometimes, especially if you’re looking for something specific. However, spending a bit more time on choosing the website can save your data and your sanity. No matter where you have downloaded files or applications from, always make sure to scan them for viruses before you open them. Once they are opened, the damage is already done.

Take care of your browser cookies

No, browser cookies are not edible. And even if they sound cute – they can make a difference in terms of web browsing safety. Especially, if you’re the kind of person who clicks on the button Accept all cookies every single time. Cookies do come in handy, though, when you want to save your password to not have to type it all over again. However, this also means that this data can be stolen. Then, these cookie thieves could potentially log into your account. This is not something you want, of course. So always make sure to delete your browsers cookies regularly. You can usually find this option in your browser settings under Privacy.

Let an ad blocker become your best friend

Ad blockers can be helpful if you are browsing through the internet and click on websites you do not know. Then, unwanted ads are simply blocked, and you can look for whatever you were trying to find. The good thing about ad blockers is that you can customize which websites you want to allow displaying ads. This enables you to support your favorite websites but, at the same time, ensures your own web browsing safety.

Use an antivirus software

Because it is impossible to avoid all dangerous sites and links, antivirus software is essential. This type of software helps you out while browsing and downloading files and applications. Most threats aren’t even visible. You can be entirely careful, but one small mistake and your computer gets infected with a virus. This is why installing an antivirus software is a good tool for you.

An updated browser can save you a lot of trouble

As part of technology, websites keep evolving. Sites get faster, look fancier, or have audio and videos added to them. This means your browser needs to be updated for it to manage all of this. An old browser version means you can no longer make use of these websites in the way you should be able to. Plus, pop-ups could put your computer in danger. As a result, your web browser becomes vulnerable – and hackers love vulnerability. Though most browsers update automatically, you should make sure that the version of your browser is truly the latest.

Password security is essential

Yes, long and complex passwords are annoying because it is difficult to remember them. However, passwords like this make it way more difficult for you to get hacked. In the best case scenario, your passwords include upper and lower case letters, digits, symbols and special characters. A combination like this is the final boss for hackers and makes them give up really quickly. Plus, if you enable two-factor authentication, there is always a backup plan in case hackers figure out your password. Without the code that is necessary, hackers will still not get access to your account.

A VPN can save your day

With the help of a VPN, your data gets encrypted. This means that you can browse safely, because there is no data being sent to the internet, even if you are online. So, whatever you are doing, no matter which passwords you use, no one will ever know. VPNs are a must-have when you like to browse through the internet.

Web browsing safety does not have to be hard

At first, this may seem like a lot you have to keep in mind. However, all of these are just a few steps to make ensure your web browsing safety. Most of these things work in the background anyway, meaning they won’t disturb you but are still effective. At the end of the day, your safety matters more than anything, don’t you agree?

FAQ – Web Browsing Safety

Why should you take care of your browser cookies?

If you do not delete your cookies regularly and have saved log-ins or similar date on a particular website, intruders can steal this data.

What is a VPN?

A VPN is a tool that encrypts your data. This means that no one will be able to access your data as long as your VPN is active.

What is a safe password combination?

A safe password should consist of a symbol, a digit, upper and lower case letters as well as special characters.

Boris Diedrich

Boris is a dedicated writer for our technical editorial team who specializes in putting complex topics into simple words. His goal is to provide his readers with high-quality and informative content. His articles are easy to understand and can be understood by professionals and laymen alike. He is a master at entertaining and informing his readers.

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